Midwestern Region PSEA-Retired members collect donations that support a wide range of community-oriented projects.
Beaver County members have helped support Family Services of Beaver County for families in crisis. Donated items range from household goods to cleaning and school supplies.
Butler County members have supported Veterans’ Administration patients, the Humane Society, the Butler County Food Cupboard and the Slippery Rock Pregnancy Center.
Clarion County members should contact Linda Runyan for information on the current project.
Lawrence County members have supported ARISE (the Crisis Shelter of Lawrence County) by donating Detergent pods, underwear and socks. Additional items are also welcome - http://crisisshelter.org/support/wish-list/
Mercer County members have been collecting goods and dollars for the Mercer County women’s’ and children's service agency, AWARE. Donations include laundry and personal hygiene items, small toys and games for kids, books, sweat outfits, nice women’s executive clothing.

clip art from: http://www.clipartkid.com/community-outreach-cliparts/